Integration Of Remote And Physical Desktops To Increase Productivity

Integration Of Remote And Physical Desktops To Increase Productivity

In the plans of many companies, the return of vacations is considered the moment in which a good part of their employees goes to join their physical facilities. As long as the evolution of the pandemic allows it. Teleworking and face-to-face work will coexist in an environment where optimal integration of remote and physical desktops is critical to increasing employee productivity.

Most organizations have discovered the benefits of teleworking and are no longer so afraid of it. In these months, they have seen savings, staff involvement and flexibility, a lot of flexibility. So incorporate IT infrastructure modernization plans, investing in remote work solutions is among the top priorities.

The objective is to deploy an efficient and safe work environment where both workers on the move or at home and those in offices communicate and collaborate as if they were next to each other. And, above all, that they can carry out their daily operations with customers and suppliers with maximum efficiency.

Planning A Remote And On-site Hybrid Workstation Strategy

At this point, it is unthinkable to continue with the ‘first aid’ solutions that made it possible to face the toughest months of the pandemic. It is necessary to implement a strategy to deploy modern, safe, efficient and profitable jobs. In other words, a plan to deploy Smart Digital Workplaces. As in all planning, it is necessary to analyze the situation and requirements to select the best solutions to update the job.

In choosing the best technology for digital desktops, great attention must be paid to the capabilities of the products under study in terms of control and security so that it is possible to establish a safe, collaborative work environment between teleworkers and employees. Face-to-face.

Credential Protection Multifactor Authentication And Strong Passwords

In this case, you have to opt for a Zero Trust approach to cybersecurity that we talked about in another post. In other words, like any other IT project, this one must also carry an essential layer of cybersecurity. Remote work involves user access to corporate applications through different mobile devices, often their own and other networks. This is an ideal setting for cyberattacks to be on the lookout, especially ransomware.

Multifactor device and user authentication technology; proper management of user profiles to allow and control access to business IT; Along with an optimal password policy, they are mandatory measures to make it difficult for cybercriminals. These cybersecurity solutions to prevent credential theft must be part of an enterprise communications and data protection measures ecosystem. Next-generation perimeter firewalls and AI algorithms must be present to prevent and detect cyberattacks in time.

Advanced Collaboration Tools And Virtual Desktops

To successfully implement a smart desktop strategy, it is essential to equip workers, whether remote or in the office, with advanced collaboration tools that provide them with everything they need to share knowledge and interact with each other. Microsoft 365 and Teams advises companies on their use and integration with other business applications and taking care of their backup.

They are cloud solutions that allow establishing a secure and high-performance framework to integrate teleworking and face-to-face positions. In the world of video calls, also adapts the market-leading products from Citrix and Cisco to the needs of each company. The way to ensure secure access to these tools and all other enterprise business applications such as ERP programs, CRM software or BPM solutions is desktop virtualization. VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) technology has been put in value again.

VDI In The Corporate CPD Or Daas Services In The CloudThe IT

Department manages the virtual desktops centrally, which applies the guidelines of the corporate security policy. It is in charge of providing each user profile with personalized use permissions for the tools they need according to their tasks. To have high-performance virtualized desktops, meaning that they do not crash and access to applications is agile, it is necessary to have high-quality network and storage resources. These can be housed in the corporate data center or the cloud by contracting DaaS (Desktop as a Service) cloud services.

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