Search Engine Optimization Trends In 2020

Search Engine Optimization Trends In 2020

As specialists Transformation Digital ‘s SEO is one of our priorities in addressing the digital marketing strategy, which together with Cyber Security, the Cloud Computing, the Process Automation, the e-Commerce are the essential pillars of our model. Today we want to show you the SEO strategies and trends that are dominant in the market for this year 2020.

Search Engine Optimization Tips for 2020

Artificial intelligence
The central axis of the trends and tools for this 2020 is artificial intelligence, and how Google has implemented its market share by almost 90% worldwide. Irremediably, talking about SEO is talking about positioning in the Google search engine.

Smart Speakers are rabidly hot today, skyrocketing sales by 200%. The best-known devices in this field are Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa, which revolutionize the strategies of companies to access them. If you don’t have any actions implemented yet, it would be important to take the step and create branded content for smart speakers, such as the Alexa skills or Google Assistant actions.

Searches used on specific platforms, such as Airbnb, Just Eat, or Amazon, are called vertical searches. They require an equally specific strategy, so it is key to know what their positioning factors are.

There is already a high% of companies that have a chatbot on their website to answer the most common and elementary questions of users. The current trend for the next few years will be to provide chatbots with artificial intelligence that will improve them, an understanding greater understanding of complex questions and issues.

These chatbots from an SEO point of view what they will cause is a greater permanence on your website which will directly affect the positioning of your page.


They are fragments that Google generates in response to the question asked by the user in the search bar and appear in the first position even before the payment results.

Video Content

It is the format preferred by users, ranging from 70% to 80%. If the majority of the visits are going to be converted through video content, all this makes one think that it is important to work on that channel to give a boost to the positioning of your page. Put it on the road map of initiatives for this year.

Local SEO

More than 95% of the total business structure in Spain are SMEs, which is why Google wants to reward initiatives launched by SMEs aimed at improving their positioning in this search engine. Among the most relevant initiatives in this area is the geolocation of photos, as well as including videos in Google My Business.

Mobile First

That our website is correctly adapted to the mobile version is crucial, especially considering that in all probability most of the visits to your website will come through mobile devices. We suggest that you enter the Search Console in the specific section on UX user experience, which establishes a series of recommendations that will help you improve the mobile version of your website. Improvement of your mobile version is synonymous with an improvement in the web positioning of your company.

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