7 Best Practices To Secure Your Linux VPS Server

7 Best Practices To Secure Your Linux VPS Server

Putting together a secure Linux VPS server will keep everyone safe. As hackers are looking for easy access to different servers, these best practices will keep them at bay. You’ll learn the best practices and how they help you.

Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to keep your Linux VPS server secure. These methods are considered the best practices in the industry, and many cybersecurity experts swear by them. Without further ado, let’s get into it.

1: Change The SSH Port

Most servers have default SSH ports that are used for certain services. This means that a hacker knows exactly where to start if they want to get access to your server. If they don’t know which port to start with, they won’t be able to hack into your VPS server.

Some malicious scripts will automatically run on port 22 since that’s the default port for most systems. If nothing’s in this port, nothing can be compromised.

Pro tip: Add SSH two-factor authentication on your server. Two-factor authentication will significantly reinforce your SSH security.

2: Have A Strong Password Policy

Strong password policies should be in place company-wise, and the VPS server is no exception. Weak passwords are one of the largest threats to cybersecurity. Avoid using the word “password” and ordered numerical values like “123456”.

Strong passwords have a combination of upper and lowercase letters, symbols, numbers, and an absence of commonly-used words. For a more secure Linux VPS server, require the users to change their passwords at regular intervals. Or even better, prefer a managed server, in order to have your VPS managed by pros, thus avoiding any security vulnerabilities.

Pro tip: Use the “faillog” command so there’s a limited number of attempts to log into an account before getting locked out.

3: Delete Modules And Packages You Don’t Use

Your Linux build will come with a ton of different modules and packages. Truthfully, every one of these files is an access point for a hacker.

If you have certain packages that you’re not using, it’s always best to get rid of them. It’s just another weakness going in the trash and keeping your server more secure.

On top of that, you should avoid installing a ton of different services, packages, and software. This is asking for trouble in the future when hackers come knocking. It also speeds up the server.

4: Use Disk Partitioning

Just like in a limo, you can partition your disks in different ways. You can separate files so your operating system is separate from your user files and your third-party programs.

By creating barriers, it becomes more difficult for a hacker to take over if they gain access to a server through a certain avenue. The important files that they’re looking for are going to be behind certain walls.

5: Disable Root Logins

Root login is the default for every Linux VPS. This means that the username is “root” no matter which user is getting access.

This makes the life of a hacker much easier. Rather than guessing usernames and passwords, they just have to brute force their way through the password (since the username is given). Make sure every user is using non-root usernames to instantly make it harder for hackers to break in.

6: Disable Unused Network Ports

If you have an unused network port, that means that it’s open and ready for someone to occupy it. In the world of cybersecurity, this “someone” is a hacker.

Hackers can jump into your network, occupy a port, and start exploiting your server from the inside.

Using the “chkconfig” command will allow you to disable the unwanted services and close unused network ports.

7: Don’t Forget The Firewall

A firewall will keep danger outside of your server. It works just like a physical wall with a gate. A firewall will decide who and what can be trusted enough to enter the wall.

Your Linux VPS server doesn’t come default with a strong firewall. Use a respectable and reliable firewall to act as the first line of defense against cyberattacks.


At this point, you should know how to put together a strong Linux VPS server. These helpful tips will keep hackers away and ensure that everything is locked and secured in your server. There’s a lot at stake here, and hackers love a company with an unsafe VPS server.

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