RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Benfits

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Benefits

Automating Routine Business Tasks

Task robotization solutions have been on the market for many years, but in the last 6-7 years there has been an exponential advance in the number of companies and existing solutions, thanks to the new capabilities for recording tasks and creating bots without coding them have simplified their deployment in companies and departments of any size since integration.

With different automation systems and Artificial Intelligence functionalities have allowed them to greatly expand their usefulness, RPA is a relatively new term, but not the concept behind it since for decades companies have sought ways to industrialize the execution of repetitive tasks that daily they are made on computer applications. Today, this technology allows the use of software robots (applications) that are configured to manage other computer applications in the same way that a user does to perform repetitive and rule-based tasks.

Also Read: How to become an RPA Developer?

Saving Costs, Time And Advantages of RPA

There are many benefits that the robotic process automation offers. In addition to freeing the employees of a company from repetitive and “boring” tasks to allocate their capacity to higher-value tasks, economic and temporary savings are another of its great. RPA technologies have two main advantages: optimization of the time that the employee spends on tasks with little added value, and cost savings derived from a reduction in the errors that are committed in this kind of repetitive task.

Also, at an economic level, the company will be able to structure, optimize and automate its business processes more efficiently by delegating different tasks to bots that require high consumption of resources and time, but which do not add value to the business.

Saving Costs, Time & Advantages of RPA

Are all Processes Automatable

At this point, the question is necessary. If there are so many advantages to betting on RPA technology, what kind of tasks can a company automate? Is it possible to apply it to any type of process? There are a large number of tasks that can be automated in daily work, both in processes common to all companies regardless of their sector (purchasing, contracting, finance, email management) and in specific processes of the department or sector of the company. (Sales, claims management).

Beyond RPA, Hyper-Automation

But the RPA technology has already drawn its morning and this goes through its union with other technologies such as Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning, a symbiosis that will allow processes to be automated more intelligently and which has already been recognized by Gartner as one of the Most relevant IT trends for this year

Smart Automation Works By Integrating Cognitive Technologies With RPA.

It covers the entire journey of automation – discovery, automation, optimization – applying to any front or back-office business process and orchestrating work through combined teams of humans and bots, It starts from the process discovery itself, where tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) automatically observe people’s work activities, identify optimal workflows, and propose a path to automation. Smart Automation expands the capabilities of business process automation to include almost any scenario – cognitive robots can reason and make decisions, learning on the go to become valuable resources in the human-digital workforce.

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