Challenges Of SMEs Before The Mandatory Electronic Invoice

Challenges Of SMEs Before The Mandatory Electronic Invoice

This is one of the most outstanding initiatives in the strategies toward the paperless office of the organizations. but its adoption is irregular due, in part, to a wide variety of possibilities that make its implementation difficult. In the latest issue of dealerworl magazine, the challenges of SMEs in the face of mandatory electronic invoicing have been analyzed, a process that will begin in 2023 and culminate in 2025 with its requirement for micro-SMEs and the self-employed.

Since 2015, all companies that work with the public administrations are obliged to issue and receive digital invoices. It was the first step to promote the adaptation of business systems to this electronic document which, as we indicated, is one of the pillars of the plans to deploy the paperless office. as of 2023, electronic invoicing will be mandatory for transactions by companies that invoice more than eight million euros per year. In 2025 it will be extended to all types of entities that carry out an economic activity. The fact is that, at the moment, this adaptation is costing SMEs.

Do you think that the digital transformation process that SMEs are undertaking will be enough to achieve the purpose of adopting electronic invoicing? The fact that it is going to be compulsory makes it inevitable. And it should also be noted that through the digital kit and the electronic invoice section, at least the road is already beginning to generate invoices in factories format. The grants from the next generation eu funds are an essential boost for SMEs to digitize the flow of issuing invoices to their customers. However, there are two sections: large companies, which must be ready before the end of 2023, and micro-SMEs, which will have two more years to go.

Do you consider that this distinction is also known, in general, as well as the expected deadlines? This issue is going a bit unnoticed by small businesses that, until the time comes, I am afraid they will not make any move in this regard. On the other hand, it will be necessary to see how the rule is for the most prominent companies that will have to adapt within two years from its publication. From my point of view, unification is essential because right now, many companies only allow electronic invoicing, but each has a different system.

Do you think that the cost of starting the process makes many SMEs decide to wait until the end of the established period before taking the step? Or are there more reasons not to? as I mentioned before, SMEs will wait until the last minute unless one of the large companies requires them to bill for this new system, in which case they will have no choice but to use this service?

What role do you think the canal should play here? The option is to inform our clients with some document prepared specifically that, from the outset, clarifies all the points that they will need to know to join these functions. Before proposing possible developments, they must be aware of the new situation. Once the environment that opens up has been analyzed, it will be time to implement the appropriate technology and optimally integrate it into your management systems in a personalized way according to your needs.

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