The Era Of 5G And How Safe It Is

The Era Of 5G And How Safe It Is

The lights of controversy are lit and displayed again on the world stage, for the world is at the coming of a new age. It has always been like that; no change occurs without polemics and controversy. Now it is 5G’s turn. There are voices against and voices for. The truth is that 5G will be a reality that will mark a new page in the history of man, let’s try to write it with responsibility and seriousness.

In this article we rehearse a summary of both positions, with useful and verifiable information. It is up to the reader to decide on this matter based on his or her own research, to which we hope to shed some light and vanish all fears regarding our future, with the present information.

Voices Against Saying: The More Power And Speed, The More Health Risks

“Governments are not in control of what is happening and we scientists are very concerned,” said Dr. Ceferino Maestu Unturbe, director of the laboratory of bio electromagnetism at the Center for Biomedical Technology at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and one of the most relevant scientists studying the impact of artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health, in Spain.

According to this expert, if they implement 5G as it is now, there will not only be more and more electro-sensitive people, including children, but also childhood leukemia will increase in cases. Another effect would be the appearance of a third type of diabetes whose trigger would be electromagnetic pollution. “By exposing ourselves to this radiation, the functioning of the cells is altered,” specified Magda Havas, another voice against it, a professor of environmental sciences at the Canadian universities of Toronto and Trent. On the other hand, we have the following statements: “It is already impossible to say that radio frequencies do not generate cancer”, this is Professor David O. Carpenter, a physician co-author of the international report “Bioinitiative” and director of the Institute for Health and the Environment, a collaborating center of the World Health Organization (WHO).

A disturbing project was born in 2017. Known as the Mobi-Kids Study, it was carried out in 14 countries and presented to the European Commission. According to Annie Sasco, former director of epidemiology at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research of France, this work could lead to the IARC raising the classification of cell phone microwaves to 2A (probably carcinogenic), due to its neurotoxicity mechanism, since this scientific research links cancer risk for children, adolescents and young people from 7 to 24 years of age in the 14 countries studied to development of brain tumors due to the use of cell phones.

These studies exist, and although they sound too alarming, they come from real scientists and researchers. Now let’s see what the official voices say about the safety of 5G network infrastructure.

The Official Voice Says It: No Trace Of Risk In Speed

The radio signals used by mobile technology are nothing new in 2020. In fact, these electromagnetic waves have been extensively studied for decades. The frequencies used by mobile devices operate in accordance with national regulations or international guidelines for exposure to electromagnetic fields, covering all frequencies used worldwide, and are now considered for future use for 5G.

The final limits for radio frequency transmission devices, such as mobile devices and tablets, intended for public use cannot be changed below 6 GHz. The 2020 update provides additional guidelines for frequencies above 6 GHz. This update was already anticipated by the industry, and test methods are available to ensure regulatory compliance for 5G devices in the market. Public health agencies and expert groups consistently conclude that the guidelines protect all people (including children) against all known health risks.

Finally, a clear upgraded frame was set in March 2020, when ICNIRP stated that the 1998 ICNIRP GUIDELINES still provide protection against all known health effects of high-frequency radiation within the frequency range of 100 kHz – 300 GHz, which is the current 5G uses frequencies below 1 GHz, 1-6 GHz and above 6 GHz.

Is There Really Anything To Be Afraid Of 5G?

Our lives are used to struggle and turn into a battlefield at every level we get to upgrade ourselves, not only professionally, but in every aspect of our day-to-day routine.

Before we jump into our conclusion for this article, as a refreshing advice, let us give to you now a way for peace of mind, at the present time. Lies, dishonesty, robbery, they are not a prerogative of the concrete world. All this technology information is about is integrity of data transfer, so, for preventing hijacking you need reliable PC safety, to get it we should be talking about the best nordvpn review, and set priorities. Prioritizing is an efficient tool to prevent adversities, so we can experience and succeed out of those hard to learn episodes that compose the modern human’s overall reality. Reality is a coin whose two faces are equally important; you must weight both sides in order to decide. If you do not get involved, if you do not take control, someone else will.

Well, now it is our turn to crown this article with our sensible and calm reflection. Although the studies referred do exist, both for and against 5G, it does not seem credible that 5G is a deadly weapon capable of ending the world as soon as the switch of its activation is lifted worldwide. However, we have to raise a voice of sense that hopefully will encourage, calmly but seriously, the public to remain vigilant, because this would not be the only time that there is a lack of studies of safety with respect to a novelty in the world.

To the question, is there anything to fear from the 5G infrastructure? the answer to the date still is: there is not enough evidence to hold great fears up to this day, we do not see the devil in 5G yet. The truth, however, will know how to break through at the right time.

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