How To Enhance The User Experience By Implementing Sticky Element

How To Enhance The User Experience By Implementing Sticky Element

User experience is an interaction between user and product, in this case, website. When creating a website, you have to keep in mind that the main goal is to impress visitors because the user experience feedback will determine if your website is worth revisiting and sharing. Therefore we need to implement everything that might seem trivial and minor to improve your website but can make a big difference and with that user experience itself.

However, there are some tricks on how to improve the user experience. Accessories like call-to-action buttons, web analytics tools, increasing page speed, using images the right way, being mobile-friendly, and many more are here to help us with that.

Call-to-action is the form of a button written as specified action, for example, “Sign Up”, “Start”, “Buy now”.

These actions will instruct visitors on what to do next. Website analytics tools are used for analyzing visitors’ journey through your website and store data such as the number of visitors, visitors’ location, favorite products, age, etc. These will help with improving your page by giving you information about a user visiting your page, so you can personalize your page to make it as user-friendly as possible. You can also more accurately track the effectiveness of your applied tools.

By increasing your page speed, you will save your visitor a lot of time because slow websites can get impossible to browse when a visitor is in a hurry, and this right here can be a deal-breaker whether your product will be bought or not. You can do it by optimizing images and video or minimizing HTTP requests.

Make sure you optimize your images strategically and place them on the right spot in the right size, but also make sure used images are representing your brand as well.
As technology progresses, more and more users access websites via a mobile device; therefore, it’s crucial to make your webpage mobile-friendly. There are three unofficial rules to establish a great user experience: usefulness, usability, and desirability. As we go through each one of them, we’ll use a sticky menu as an example.

Usefulness lies in the fact that the sticky menu stays on top of the page even though the user is scrolling down the page, it is useful, and it improves browsing speed.
Usability stands for creating the sticky menu for users, so content is easily accessible, meaning it’s easy to use and quite often needed.
You can make it desirable by making it more appealing to visitors, creating a sticky menu, by adopting different designs to match your website’s overall look.

Sticky Elements

While we’re on a sticky menu subject, sticky elements are a proven method for enhancing user experience.
Create a sticky element that will stay stuck to a specific place on the website, no matter how far you scroll down.
You can make your navigation sticky, which makes it easy and straightforward to browse a website.
All the necessary buttons will be a click away with a sticky menu. Or sticky sidebars can give you hyperlinks that will redirect you to access more information about the topic you’re exploring on that page. This will make your browsing experience more comfortable and faster.

Best way to show that is by implementing it on a one-page site.
There is a lot of scrolling on a one-page site, and you wouldn’t want your visitors constantly scrolling up to the beginning of the page to use the menu. If they did that, they would quickly lose interest in your website and just move on to another with more accessible content. They would lose time, and you would lose a potential customer. But that doesn’t have to be like that; apply a sticky menu, fancy it up with some drop-down button, and you’ll have your potential customer’s attention. Mix it up with some of the sticky widgets like a sticky sidebar or sticky header, and you’ll surely get positive feedback.

Imagine working on your logo, bio, on basic information about your brand and yourself, but that will be left ignored just because the customer got tired going up and down the page and missed it. Safe to say feedback there would be that site is time-consuming, distressing, and overall unsatisfactory.

But what you want is for visitors to get excited; you want them to want to explore more, want them to feel welcomed, and make them work as little as possible. By work, meaning clicking and scrolling will be reduced to the minimum.

There is a term in the economy, Morbid us Temporalis or idling, which means time wasted could have been used for other more important matters. And this is precisely what is happening to customers when they scroll through the sticky-less page, it consumes a lot of their time, and since nowadays time is money, by them losing time and interest, it comes back to you losing money.

You want to be seen and make it easy for a visitor to navigate through the web page. Then do it; it’s simple, apply this method to your website. Make it better, make it a head-turner, create a website that will captivate any future customers and make them stay.
You won’t even have to worry about code because this plugin will do all the heavy lifting for you.
It is called WP Sticky, and it will amaze you how much you can do in a small amount of time.

What Is WP Sticky?

What Is WP Sticky?

WP Sticky lets you apply the mentioned sticky elements above with ease.
It is the most popular sticky plugin with over 100.000 users.
This plugin lets you make a sticky header, menu, navigation, widget. It can make any element sticky. WP Sticky is easy to use, and you don’t have to code it yourself.
Visual element picker will let you pick an element, and it’ll make it sticky, no code messing, just a few clicks, and you got yourself a sticky element. You don’t have to settle for one element, make multiple elements sticky with WP Sticky.

How to do it? With six steps that will take no more than a minute to execute.
The first step is to install the plugin, click on settings, then click Add New Sticky Element, name it, Pick an element, and the last step is for you to click the element you want to make sticky, and that’s it.

When you do that, you might want to modify it, play with it a little, and make it fun.
For example, you can adjust the space between the top of the page and the sticky element, chose which effects you want to apply on our sticky element, whether that be fade in or slide down effect, make it more or less transparent, preferred background color and many more fun features.


Any Element Can Stick – Stick any element on your page, and you can do make a sticky widget, sticky sidebar, sticky header, sticky menu, sticky header, sticky call-to-action box, a sticky banner ad.
Positioning From The Top – Chose how far you want to place the sticky element from the top; space between the top of the page and the sticky element can be determined with a simple entry of the number of pixels.
Enable For Specific Screen Sizes Only – You have an option to adjust sticky elements for particular screen sizes or don’t show sticky elements at all.
Enable Only On Some Pages – Decide on which pages you want elements sticky and on what pages you don’t want to make it sticky.
Push-up Element – If you have an element lower on the page and want to make it sticky, with the push-up element option, it will push it up once you scroll down past it. This is most commonly used for sidebar widgets.
Admin Bar Aware – This mode makes sure that the admin bar stays on top and that sticky element isn’t blocking it, and the other way around.
Z-index – Once you add it, it will stop any unwanted elements from peeking through your sticky element.
Legacy Mode – In the 2.0 version, the element itself becomes sticky and doesn’t use copying and cloning anymore. So if you have upgraded from an earlier version, Legacy Mode will be turned ON by default.
Dynamic Mode – This mode helps with some issues tied to responsive themes.
Debug Mode – Will alert you with an error message when and why your element doesn’t stick.
WP Sticky has the features that will make your website a show stopper.

Also, WP Sticky is compatible with Elementor, so once you create a header, you can make it sticky. You can accomplish so much by installing and applying this plugin to your website.
User experience itself will improve, and just imagine about business opportunities that will come your way. Simple yet effective, WP Sticky will save your time and users as well.
Safe to say, WP Sticky covers all three methods for improving user experience, usefulness, usability, and desirability.


When creating a website, you’d have to do a lot of research in order to improve your traffic. We took part in research, so you won’t have to, and the logical conclusion is WP Sticky. When designing a webpage, you have to keep in mind that rather than thinking about how you want to design your page, think about what your users might want to see and how you want to make their experience filled with joy and ease. Once you do that and get positive feedback from users, this will mean your website has the right design and right content. Every day is a chance to make a change that will affect your business positively.

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