What Is Snapchat And How Does It Work

What Is Snapchat And How Does It Work

What Is Snapchat

Snapchat is a messaging application used on mobile to send photos, videos, text or drawings . Its download and use is free and the main incentive it offers compared to other social networks is that the messages disappear from the inbox of the person who receives them in a few seconds. Launched in 2011, it is one of the 15 most used social networks today, with at least 218 million active users.

Aimed at allowing users to connect with their friends (in the “followers” ​​format, as in other social networks), Snapchat offers other possibilities in addition to sending messages, such as games, surveys and news content. Your innovative video and photo editing toolshave been one of its main attractions, since it was one of the first platforms to incorporate augmented reality in social networks.

How Does Snapchat Work

  • To use Snapchat, you need to first create an account and then sign in. To do this, you must provide an email address and date of birth, as well as a nickname for the social network. Regarding companies, Snapchat offers to create a Business account, so that you have access to extra functionalities aimed at generating marketing campaigns on this platform.
  • After creating the account, the next step is to add your friends or followers. To do this, Snapchat allows you to upload your mobile contacts, in addition to searching for people you know. In addition, Snapcodes work to add friends : unique QR codes for each user that, after reading them through a photo, allow that user to be followed.
  • Conversations on Snapchat work mainly through photos or videos , and less using text. To create content, touch the circular camera in the app and take a photo or video. In addition, there are multiple possibilities to edit that video or photo, applying filters that modify them.
  • Once customized, you can send your snap to anyone on your friends list or add it to your story , which your followers will be able to see in the next 24 hours.
  • In addition to private conversations, there are also group conversation groups and stories on Snapchat , where everyone can contribute.

What Is Snapchat Used For

Send private messages between two people, including photos or videos.

  • Live chat with other users.
  • Create Bitmojis (avatars).
  • Share stories instantly and in chronological order, which are shown to your followers.
  • See content from users you don’t follow yet in the discovery section. This is especially the place that companies should try to exploit with entertaining content to attract new users to their Snapchat profile.

Advantages Of Using Snapchat

  • Connection with younger users. It is known that 82% of its users are 34 years old or younger.
  • Get more interactions. Compared to other social platforms, users are more willing to interact with a brand on this platform.
  • Enhance the branding of a company. It is a platform that values ​​entertainment and fun and casual content, far from the more corporate tone.
  • Through this type of content, companies can promote the creation of a closer link with their followers and potential clients.
  • Get more traffic. Snaps are short-lived. However, it is precisely this urge to see the content before it disappears that has made the app so popular.
  • Using this incentive, it is possible to multiply the traffic to the content that you want your followers to see, inside or outside the application.

Also Read: Why Use A Mobile Application For Business



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