ReactJS Vs. EmberJS: Battle Between Top JavaScript Frameworks

ReactJS Vs. EmberJS: Battle Between Top JavaScript Frameworks

When one thinks about developing multi-functional applications for websites with responsive designs and scalable interfaces, JavaScript is the first to come to mind. After all, it is the most popular programming language used worldwide.

There are many top JavaScript frameworks that developers love using as of today. However, in this article, we discuss ReactJS and EmberJS that have gained popularity in the recent past because of their flexible and scalable code patterns.

From The Basics: Defining ReactJS And EmberJS

Developed by Facebook in 2013, ReactJS is a simple and elegant JavaScript framework that helps developers build user interfaces and write small blocks of code to be combined with the whole application or be used as independent interface elements.

EmberJS, on the other hand, is an open-source JavaScript framework developed by Yehuda Katz in 2011. It is primarily used for creating scalable single-page web apps by integrating common idioms, patterns, and best practices from other single-page-app ecosystems into the existing Ember JavaScript framework.

Market Share: Who Is Winning?

ReactJS is already well established in the market for apps based on the Big Data concept. Research states that 60% of developers prefer using it over other top JavaScript frameworks, including Ember. In a 2019 survey by Stack Overflow, ReactJS was featured as the most loved framework of 2019.

Alternatively, EmberJS is used by less than 0.1% of websites. However, despite that, many developers are increasingly showing interest in its speed, comprehensiveness, and flexibility. If this is the first time you are hearing of this development, perhaps its pros in the coming section will change your mind?

ReactJS At A Glance

ReactJS At A Glance

The ReactJS JavaScript framework uses JSX that enables HTML quoting and HTML tag syntax for rendering subcomponents. The application code style fetched from the ReactJS components can be used in any program’s interface.


  • It reduces the complex manipulation of DOM and creates a new virtual DOM and a patching mechanism with the most recent data.
  • ReactJS, along with AngularJS, enhances the performance of troublesome components in the framework.
  • It initiates server-side rendering that is responsible for creating isomorphic or universal web apps. That reduces time and costs.
  • ReactJS is known for its simple code pattern because of its component-based architecture. Hence, code reuse is efficient.
  • It has an XML-file syntax extension that makes coding faster, more comfortable, and safer.
  • ReactJS is SEO-friendly. Web app pages powered by the ReactJS JavaScript framework are more likely to rank better on search engines.
  • It works brilliantly for JavaScript debugging.
  • Developers who are knowledgeable about JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS can significantly benefit from working with ReactJS.


  • ReactJS is not a complete JavaScript framework but is merely a library.
  • It enables only partial support of browsers and increases additional plugins and extensions, which could hamper the app’s performance.
  • Training and documentation of the ReactJS JavaScript framework can sometimes be challenging to understand.
  • Integrating ReactJS into a traditional MVC framework could require some configurations.

Popular Use Cases

ReactJS is behind some of the most popular web applications in the field of technology and business, including:

  • Instagram
  • Bloomberg
  • Airbnb
  • Myntra
  • UberEats

But two brands have completely revamped their user experience using ReactJS.

1. Twitter

Not too long ago, Twitter’s interface was a lot more “square,” from avatars and borders to buttons. When the time came to do a design refresh in 2017, technology had changed enough to emphasize Android and iOS mobile responsiveness.

The thing Twitter chose React was to develop more than a hundred components, many of them are created on their own using simpler building block components. The UI presentation and interaction logic in an isolated part makes it easier to modify, test, and reuse the app. No wonder there are so many customization options on Twitter now!

2. Netflix

In 2015, Netflix decided to deploy ReactJS because of its declarative approach to UI development and one-way data flow. Since the OTT content platform ran on multiple devices, the challenge was to ensure performance optimization across all—without hampering time-to-interactivity, memory usage, and key input responsiveness. With ReactJS, they could get rid of any such possibilities and ensure a good UI experience for all.


ReactJS has an active community of millions of developers—a one of its kind. Developers can share code, inform and add value to the community, however they like.

License: MIT License

EmberJS At A Glance

EmberJS At A Glance

The Ember JavaScript framework provides universal data binding and a URL-driven approach that helps structure different applications with a focus on scalability. It utilizes proven concepts from native frameworks such as Apple’s Cocoa for its lightweight sensibilities.


  • Features such as automatic view filtering help remove unnecessary code in the Ember JavaScript framework.
  • It has a more functional code and relies on straight text manipulation to build the HTML document dynamically.
  • EmberJS is perfect for the enterprise framework, thus making it ideal for ambitious apps.
  • It can automatically generate the resulting code and earmarks only those configurations where the convention is not allowed.
  • Client-side rendering to scale web apps is possible beyond the view layer.
  • EmberJS ensures faster boot times and inherent stability.
  • It offers long-term maintenance support for the developed project on the Ember JavaScript framework.
  • Ember boasts of a rich default architecture with advanced control systems that make it easier to switch to updated versions.
  • The Ember JavaScript framework documentation is concise, details, and even provides information on tools that developers must avoid for outdated APIs.


  • EmberJS lacks reusing components at the Controller level.
  • It does not allow any integration with other MVC frameworks.
  • Very little or no customization is possible in the Ember JavaScript framework.
  • Ember’s object model implementation hampers the framework’s size and call stack during the debugging process, making the code reasonably heavy.
  • It could seem to be cumbersome for small-scale projects and when going outside the typical uses.

Popular Use Cases

The Ember JavaScript framework is behind many web applications from various fields. Some of the names include:

  • Discourse
  • Wordset
  • Kitsu
  • HospitalRun
  • Ghost

However, that is not it. Three famous brands have completely revamped the way they function using EmberJS.

1. LinkedIn

The professional networking platform deployed native-app-like functionalities such as manual memory management, web push notifications, offline loading, and more in its PWA using the Ember JavaScript framework.

2. Accenture

The Fortune 500 MNC has deployed EmberJS to enhance the user experience and present the client case studies more efficiently online.

3. Batterii

Batterii is an innovative experience platform that helps teams collaborate in one place. The company used the Ember JavaScript framework to enable its users to update real-time activities, generate ideas, share objectives, and work together efficiently.


Contrary to popular belief, EmberJS has a mature, professional, and active community of developers.

License: MIT License


Wrapping It Up

But the world of web app development is always in a state of motion. A new JavaScript framework is conceived almost every month and existing frameworks are often updated.

Therefore, if you want to develop a JavaScript-based application, it is necessary to choose one of the best frontend javascript frameworks that will stand the test of time.

The correct choice will make your web app development process more comfortable and ensure on-time and high-quality application delivery.

So, which one of the top JavaScript frameworks is it going to be for you? ReactJS or EmberJS?

Also Read: How To Work The REST API



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