The Most Widespread Pitfalls In Mobile Application Development

The Most Widespread Pitfalls In Mobile Application Development

For many companies releasing a mobile application can be much more difficult than the process of constructing a new product line, especially if they haven’t had any experience in it before, and this is their very first mobile application. The first thing every company should realize is that the future app must be totally task-based and provide additional solutions to those you have already introduced offline or on the company’s site. So, the application must be functional and agile enough not to take the audience time to get the clue how to work on it. Like any other digital project, you firstly need to define the main requirements to the future p, determine its functionality, and reach the conclusion of the most suitable design with your developer. The application structure and its algorithms must mirror the needs of ‎the audience. And, of course, the future product must be up-to-date with all the requirements of the industry. Remember, many clients switch brands if a new one can provide a more powerful, functional, and user-friendly mobile application to solve their problems within a couple of clicks on the smartphone touch screen. The developer is also important. Make sure this agency or an individual freelancer understands what you need and is capable of delivering a flawless product. For more detail on the mobile development process check

To avoid any financial and regulatory risks in the future, let’s take a look at the main pitfalls of mobile development every client should know about.

1) Overloading The Future App With Functions

When you are thinking about the necessary features your app must possess, there’s always a great risk to overload it and make it too complicated to solve the problems of your client. The app itself and working with it can become a problem then. So, no doubt the future app must be functional, but are all the functions you’ve already added to it in your mind necessary and crucial for the clients? Nor to get confused, analyze the existing apps with the same purpose. Think of them as a potential use, analyze how comfortable you feel inside the app. Are there any features you lack? What would you improve and what functions are just useless? You will certainly reach the right answer and choose the correct functionality for the app you are planning to order. Make sure the problems your future app is to solve are really relevant.

2) Lack Of Attention To The App Background Processes

Mobile applications must have an attractive and engaging interface, but the processes behind it are even more important. It might sound strange, but the main misconception about the application development among the companies is that in reality, they are looking not for a functional digital product. In most cases, they just want to have a beautiful game-like thing. While hiring a developer, outline the necessity of the app functionality and its flawless operation which is not possible without proper coding and the right choice of technologies to be applied. Discuss the main technical issues that might occur while the process of app development with the agency or a specialist you hire. Think about the possible challenges in app development for different platforms and always start with one, with the plan to extend it to other platforms during the post-launching phase. Make sure the developers are both experiences in IOS development and Android. For example, among the main challenges of mobile development for Android is that there are numerous types of screens with different functionality based on Android. So, it quite difficult to standardize all of them while the process of development.

3) Possible Limitation Of The Future App

The app you are planning to develop and launch is not going to exist in a vacuum, it will be constantly affected by different types of limitations. First of all, you must take into account that regulations in the App Store and Google Play are always changing due to the demands of the market, data security, and other regulations. So, you would always be ready for the need to improve your app or apply some specific changes to it. So, during the process of development, make sure the final product will be flexible enough to tolerate these changes without decreasing the quality of functioning. Besides, the developers must foresee where the changes might be applied to make it possible to bring those improvements in the future. Make sure that your app doesn’t have any contradictions with security standards. Avoid collecting and storing sensitive information irrelevant to your business. You may not order this function, but the app can still do it. So, discuss the issue with your developer, and make sure you have banned this action forever.

4) Challenges Of The Post-Development Phase

Imagine that the process of app development is over, you have launched the application, and now you are waiting for at least an international award in the field of digital products. Your app can’t just be less than perfect. But sometimes, the opposite also happens. So, during the scope planning think about the possible challenges that might appear during the testing phase and after you’ve already delivered the application to the end-users. Make sure you have calculated all the possible costs of any potential change you’ll be forced to apply based on the audience’s feedback. As we’ve already mentioned, in most cases it’s impossible, even for the most talented developer, to set the application for all the types of Android-based devices, there are too many of them, and they might differ significantly. So, at least make sure you are ready for the fact that your app won’t work properly on some devices. As far as you should never limit your clients to a selected group of smartphones, you’ll have to do nothing but improve the application and make it work well on some new devices. It’s good if you can notice the lack of functionality in the testing phase. But sometimes they appear after you have launched the app to the market.

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