Microsoft SQL Server Update To Advance Digitization

Microsoft SQL Server Update To Advance Digitization

Databases are a critical IT resource. The optimal processing of workloads with hundreds of data flowing between different systems depends on its quality. Incorporating new technologies, such as analytics and AI, requires updating. This post focuses on updating Microsoft SQL Server to advance digitization.

Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most popular databases on the market, along with Oracle Database and IBM’s DB2. It is a relational database management system (RDBMS) with which it is possible to cover a wide variety of transactional and business analytics applications, such as ERP programs with business intelligence. It stands out because it has software development that facilitates the storage and recovery of data as demanded by the applications. Being a Microsoft product, its framework of action is mainly .NET architectures and Windows projects.

Why Update The Database

A database is a critical IT resource, the status of which should always be reviewed in plans to upgrade enterprise IT infrastructure. The BBDD collects data, organizes and relates it to be able to search and quickly access it. The most advanced incorporate specific engines that allow complex data reports to be generated and analyses performed.

Since SQL Server is a relational database, it organizes the information collected and stored in tables and fields related to each other to facilitate the consultation and analysis of the data. One of the main advantages of Microsoft SQL Server is that it allows you to manage information from other data servers as well. In addition, it is very effective in environments with a high density of email users.

The fact is that, although SQL Server has been optimally maintained as part of a business IT modernization strategy, if an updated version is not available, the chances of guaranteeing the adequate performance of demanding processing systems and services are reduced. Current data analytics. And is that the volume of data continues growing, and to take advantage of it, it is critical to modernizing the BBDD.

Migration Plans To Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Cloud And On-premises

Migrating SQL Server to a new version ensures an environment with better protection, more performance, and the necessary scalability. Updating the version of Microsoft SQL Server assures that the database will withstand today’s demanding workloads where analytics and AI have an increasing weight.

To face the upgrade to SQL Server 2022 and achieve its benefits, planning the process in detail is necessary. It is essential to meet technical and business requirements to ensure cost control, environmental security and governance of all linked systems. In this sense, Orbit Consulting Group, as a Microsoft partner specializing in its infrastructure solutions, has extensive experience deploying SQL Server in SMEs, which is why we are a guarantee of successful support in any project.

Traditionally, Microsoft has offered several SQL server editions so that each organization can choose the one that best suits their needs. It all depends on the use you want to give the server. Among these, for example, the Standard is enough to cover basic loads; for its part, SQL Server Business Intelligence addresses critical loads with high-performance analytical applications.

The selection of one or the other will be determined after an exhaustive analysis of the business and technological requirements. And, of course, one very attractive option is to migrate Microsoft SQL Server to the cloud. Specifically, the consumption of SQL Server in Microsoft Azure, besides its native features, offers a security plus, including various products and encryption technology that favors compliance with privacy regulations such as the GDPR.

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