Is Link Building Still Effective In An SEO Strategy

Is Link Building Still Effective In An SEO Strategy

Link building is understood as a strategy whose purpose is to get links from external web portals that redirect to the website in which you are working. What is achieved with these actions? Each website is classified under reputation qualification standards (Domain Authority). This domain authority is what is transferred from one website to another in the case of getting a direct link. The work of obtaining third-party links has always been and continues to be one of the parameters that most help improve the reputation and positioning of a web domain.

Link Building In 2022

Is it still profitable to work link building today? Like everything in life, link building has changed since web positioning began to work. It is no longer helpful to accumulate hundreds of links from third-party websites without prior study and analysis. Google has established its rules, and it is necessary to know how it is now recommended to work a link strategy. In this case, the weight of these link-building actions falls on quality and not quantity. The Google Penguin update is far behind in 2012, focusing on avoiding SPAM with links, and a practice that remains a watchword today. The main recommendations to create a good link strategy are these:

Quality Links

There are no quality links but quality pages and websites, and this will be the leading reputation on which one link prevails over another. To distinguish whether it is a quality site or not, it is advisable to analyze specific parameters:

  • It is a website with a related theme and similar content that deal with the same market niche.
  • It is convenient to make sure that these pages have a good DA (Domain Authority), an exciting traffic flow, and a relatively high volume of keywords positioned and related to the subject.
  • Check if this page has experienced any penalties from Google over time. In the same way, make sure that your online visibility meets a stable or growing line.


Any link strategy worth its salt is based, necessarily, on quality and naturalness. Regarding innocence, it is sought that the achievement of links follows a logical continuity in time. Another interesting practice is to combine the organic link-building strategy with others, such as link baiting and media sponsorship. I was the first of great interest to acquire a reputation with the value of the brand’s content that the community links. And media sponsorship to gain links from portals with high volume, traffic, and reputation.

Oriented To Web Positioning

The actions of external links are subject to a series of practices that allow orienting the strategy towards a better web positioning. Apart from the quality and naturalness of the process, it is necessary to complement the system with more technical SEO actions such as the use of a relevant anchor text, the search for Do-Follow links (to acquire the flow of authority), or working with different IPs to keep it natural.

How To Get Links

Now, what do you do to get quality links to a website? Everything requires your time. Although there are payment options, what should be prioritized is the final quality and future profitability. To address an organic link-building strategy, we provide you with a series of tips and aids to achieve this primary objective.

Link Building Tools

SEO tools are currently advanced with analysis of their backlinks, those of the competition, and searching for themes. Professional tools such as Semrush or Ahref are the main ones for this task. With data on the number of links, reputation, the achievement of links, and a comparison between Do Follow and No Follow, a source is widely used to create lists of websites where you can generate links.

Organic Search

Another recommended practice is direct organic research on different search engines. Either with city or country web directories, universities, newspapers, or related topics.

Guest Posting

Suppose you have a team of technical professionals and a reputation within the community. In that case, you can always take advantage of this status to try to appear in magazines or blogs of interest in your market and request one or more links to write an article or post.


Meeting professionals and being present at in-person and online events is an excellent incentive for commercial and business synergies to emerge. One can always be related to knowledge exchange in favor of links.


A more advanced linking strategy involves the use of footprints. What are footprints? They are expressions used in Google’s search engine, for example, to filter the results and get specific sites that talk about one particular topic. Google itself enables these commands. It is common to monitor the competition or search directly in forums, blogs, social networks, segment by price, search for documents, related websites, etc.

You can also combine them in any way you want to refine your search further. Optimizing the SEO of your web pages or landings gives results in the short, medium, and especially in the long term and is part of every digital marketing action plan. If you want us to help you design this strategy, do not hesitate to contact us.

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