How To Ensure A Successful ERP Deployment Or Migration

How To Ensure A Successful ERP Deployment Or Migration

Now more than ever, having an advanced ERP system is essential for companies to cope with the new reality in which teleworking is advancing. Changes are unforeseen: stock breakage, change of suppliers, new regulations, etc. This post gives you some tips on ensuring a successful ERP deployment or migration. Admittedly, implementing a new ERP program involves a significant financial investment.

Still, if the most appropriate one for each company is selected and deployed correctly, it will become the backbone to sustain and drive the business. This is so because it will optimize what already exists and allow discovering new opportunities, easily react to all kinds of ups and downs, and achieve operational savings. For these results to materialize, it is essential to first carry out an audit of the business processes administered from this business management solution since their renewal and entry into production will affect the entire company.

Process Optimization And Data Consolidation

An important idea to avoid is that migrating consists of transferring existing processes and operations to the new ERP solution. By doing this, the potential of current ERPs is wasted. Its implementation must be based on a rethinking of them to update and improve them with the help of new advanced ERP tools that far exceed the capabilities of the old ones or the set of isolated programs that have been used.

In this brainstorming towards digital transformation, it is critical that all personnel who will use the ERP participate. This approach makes it possible to carry out and facilitate the management of the change that the deployment of a new program always entails, more so when it is of the size of an ERP.

Before looking for the right provider, it is also necessary to check the data quality that will feed that ERP. Cleaning and consolidating the sources of information are essential to ensure that the data to be processed is of quality. Only in this way will ERP behave as a source of the only business truth.

Find The Best ERP Provider

Once ‘the house is in order, the search for the best ERP solution for the company can begin. There are multiple ERP software vendors on the market, and most promote their solutions as tools capable of effectively solving all business processes. The first tip to avoid being overwhelmed with so much information is to look at those processes that are the ones that most interest the company and see what proposals are the ones that provide differential value for them.

When assessing the functionalities, it is highly recommended to stop at the analytical capabilities of the ERP; since it is no longer enough to know what happened in the past, it is necessary to access tools that allow simulating what will happen in the future.

It is essential to opt for a cloud ERP, whether it is ERP SaaS or not, to benefit from the advantages of the cloud when it comes to quickly access any data simply through a mobile device wherever you are and when you are. Is needed. In addition, it is essential to know the possibilities of connection with other solutions that are part of the company’s IT infrastructure. Your API options are decisive to ensure data exchange with systems such as CRM and BPM, manufacturing software, all kinds of apps, etc.

The Impact Of The Human Factor Employees And Technology Partners

It is useless to invest in new technology if you do not collaborate with users to ensure its successful implementation. The people who will become its users, regardless of their ranks, must participate in the different phases of the deployment of an ERP. As we pointed out previously, your contest is basic for carrying out an audit of the processes that will be managed with it. Still, they must also be present when the demonstrations before selecting the best ERP are carried out.

Your comments, at this time and when the first start-ups are made, are very valuable to personalize it as much as possible. When we refer to customizing, we are not opting for custom development. On the contrary, choosing standard solutions reduces the risk of isolation of that solution and guarantees its updating by evolving with the new technological proposals of the provider. Of course, commercial ERPs can be customized, and it is possible to build verticals from them.

Also Read: Employment And Talent Challenges And Opportunities In Digital Transformation



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