DevOps Should Focus More On Security

DevOps Should Focus More On Security

Security And Software Development

In companies that use the DevOps methodology, it has changed the way applications are developed. However, adding security to this methodology has not been the focus of the developers’ thinking process. This can lead to many gaps in deployed applications, as Palo Alto Networks reports. DevOps needs to change the approach to security. By integrating security during the build time, DevOps teams can gain additional valuable insights to ensure security.

But what are the changes required and what impact will they have on the security architecture and operations? What needs to stay the same and what needs to be changed. Palo Alto Networks takes a close look at the relationship between DevOps and security.

When It Comes To Safety And Speed Matters

Even with manual approval points built into the workflow, traditional security operating models will be a bottleneck. To work effectively, security teams need to implement the DevOps model and integrate security to deliver tests and controls as part of the pipeline. This will require the introduction of some new tools, a shift in operational practices, and some new skills. In a company controlled by DevOps, this is the only way for a responsible team to ensure the protection of the company.

Shift Left Shift To The Beginning

The “shift of security to the left” means that security considerations are included early in the software delivery lifecycle, as far to the left as possible in the timeline. This makes sense because some security weaknesses are easier to spot during the design phase of application development – and much less expensive to fix – than after the software was deployed.

However, what this cannot mean is the full delegation of responsibility for application and runtime security to a development team. Security and development teams need to work together to identify threats and controls earlier and incorporate security testing into the software deployment workflow. The specific tools a team of developers needs to automate security testing are available, even if they’re not used everywhere.

Analysis Of Threats

Developers take more responsibility for the runtime stack on which their code is executed. They use approaches such as Infrastructure-as-Code to define an entire running application environment, or Docker files to define their application containers. In return, security teams need to understand the potential threats within these development environments. You need to provide tools that can be integrated at the earliest stages of application coding. In this way, teams can identify unsafe configurations so that they can be fixed before the first code is submitted.

Comprehensive DevSecOps

The software delivery model inspired by DevOps is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, the other parts of IT, particularly security, have to adapt to faster development cycles and new attack vectors within a highly automated software delivery pipeline. This should be done in addition to implementing security best practices and keeping up with the ever-changing threats and compromise techniques. The only risk that decreases in contrast to cyber threats is that you have nothing to do in terms of security because there is still a lot to do.

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