Are Streaming Services Better Than Cable TV?

Are Streaming Services Better Than Cable TV?

This is one of the most commonly asked and discussed questions when we compare cable TV with streaming services. We believe the perfect way to go about it is to see the survey reports conducted by survey monkey and shared online to give us clear and concrete insights.

When asking people of young-to-adult age (i.e.18 to 30 years old) about their choice of TV or online services, 31% said that they’ll choose both of them. The percentage of people who prefer dish TV networks is around 16%. Online streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon etc. are the priority of about 10% of the people. But recently, the percentage is changing to a great extent in their favor.

Have A Look At The Percentage Of The People Who Prefer Both Cable TV And Online Streaming:

About 60% of those who prefer both cable TV and online streaming have decided to completely shift towards online streaming in the upcoming year.

The big difference is that almost three-quarters of the users use cable/satellite more frequently over the streaming platforms. Credit must go to the leading providers and tailored packages like spectrum TV silver for delivering incredible services for decades.

But more than half of the 18-29 year-olds who get package claim they stream significantly and do so more frequently.
Original content tends to be a more powerful streaming attraction.

Mostly, people who use cable and streaming services both, go to streaming platforms only to watch original series and not to watch what’s already available on TV.

Whereas a quarter of people stated that they tend to stream TV shows that are no longer available on air. Just 17 percent of those polled say they’re watching newly released movies.

For Cable Users – On-Demand Is Out Of The List:

During the survey conducted by survey monkey to find out the inclinations and what is going on between streaming services and cable TV, just 5% of the users say that they mainly use cable or satellite to watch on-demand TV services, and no one uses cable or satellite to watch on-demand movies.

While 28% of the people said they use the cable to watch non-network programs, such as Discovery or AMC. Only more than a fifth of respondents uses it for network TV programs. Moreover, 8% use cable TV to watch sports, 5% for local news, and 5% for national news. Many who take bundled cable and internet from the same provider tend not to cut the cable.

Almost half of the respondents state that they do not use subscription platforms, hence, they do not want to disconnect from the same provider that is providing them both – cable TV and internet. Services moreover, it was stated by 29 percent that they cannot find every show they watch on streaming platforms. Furthermore:

  • A quarter of the people stated that they don’t prefer streaming services because of the low quality – they want content in higher resolution, and without hops, and delays.
  • Significant percentages of viewers no longer stream: 40 percent have used and have discontinued streaming services.
  • 23% of the users have got both the TV and streaming services bundled into one package.
  • Whereas, 34% of the people stated that they occasionally watch free streaming sites. While 6% don’t watch them at all. 20% want to stream cable or satellite free, and 22% stated: “not at all probable.”

Final Thoughts

For those who love watching TV in traditional style, still adore cable TV services, and don’t plan on quitting on it anytime soon. While some have adapted their old ways to new OTT platforms and some are in the transition, using the hybrid model to enjoy the essence of both services. Though most of the cable companies have already launched and some are in the queue to launch their streaming services so their customers can enjoy their services even when they are away. One of the reasons, we don’t see cable TV going could be that it comes with the same provider as an internet service provider and at a relatively less price if bundled up. One of the reasons why people would continue the hybrid model in the coming days.

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