Why The Best SEO Practices Involve Backlinks?

Why The Best SEO Practices Involve Backlinks?

We live in an era where the internet is ubiquitous; businesses need to employ the best marketing techniques to stay relevant. Among the many marketing tactics, business houses are using content marketing and SEO strategies to gain traction.

Since SEO is more of an organic way to engage customers with your online website, one needs to use various strategies to gain the required traction. Backlinking is one such strategy that’s widely used to improve the credibility of your website franchise marketing.

Before going any further, getting a brief idea about the backlinks and how they affect SEO might be a bit helpful, especially to the marketers who have just started their SEO journey.

What Is Backlink?

Well!! These are the links from one page of one website to another. If someone uses your link, then you get a backlink from them. While if you link another website to yours, then they have a backlink from you.

Most search engines consider these backlinks as ‘votes’ for the same—pages with the right proportion of backlinks ultimately achieve a good organic ranking on the search engines.

What Is the Use of Backlinks?

With so much content around, you need your content to come out as credible, useful, and valuable. The best way to ensure that your content is relevant and satisfies all the criteria listed above is with backlinks.

Not many people are familiar with the right links; you can make your content more credible and trustworthy for the readers. If you are a beginner, then a backlinks guide might come in handy for you.

Even Google has confirmed that these backlinks are one of the three factors determining their page ranking. Knowing the right way to place the links will ensure the best results for your online page.

What Type Of Backlinks Is Good For Your Page?

Not every backlink might be excellent or relevant as per your page or content. The trick here is to acquire quality backlinks for better rankings.

You can also employ link building services like Outreachmonks to find quality backlinks for your brand for best results. Here are some effective ways to find relevant backlinks:

Use Authoritative Websites

One of the best ways to ensure a better ranking is to get backlinks from an authoritative website. For instance, wouldn’t you want a professional website linked to your page? The same practice works with search engines as well.

The more links you have from authoritative websites, the more likely you will get a good ranking.

Anchor Text

It is the highlighted portion of your text and holds the link to the authoritative website. The best anchor texts are the ones that include your targeted keyword for better results.

Link To Related Site

The backlinks you choose must be from a website that might be related to your website—the more relevancy is present between the two, the better chance of getting a good ranking.


When it comes to building backlinks, there are many content formats you can use. If you are a newbie in link building and SEO practices, doing extensive research beforehand would greatly help you.

You can also utilize professionals for employing the best SEO practices for your online business profiles.

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